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Single Chamber Component Cleaning Machine

Single Chamber Multiprocess Component Cleaning Machine Manufacturers & Exporters in Pune, India.

Single Chamber Component Cleaning Machine

Machinery Parts

Auto Parts
Mounting Brackets Casting
Engine oil Pump Part
Servo Housings

Introducing the Nexon Automation Single Chamber Multiprocess Cleaning Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers & Exporters in Pune, India. A highly adaptable and productive cleaning solution for a multitude of Industrial components tailored for cleaning casting parts. The clean cycle of this machine integrates numerous procedures in a single compartment, providing efficient washing and drying of parts with limited need for intensive operator input. It is suitable for industries that need clean items with high levels of precision and with high work rate.

Single Chamber Component Cleaning Machine Key Features:

  • Single-Chamber System: This machine distances itself by integrating washing, drying and several cleaning cycles in one chamber which saves space and time as well.
  • Spray Wash System: For cleaning the parts a high-pressure hot water spray system is used, the water is heated to 65°C. With the nozzles placed in a strategic manner with the stainless steel material ensuring every angle of the vehicles' surface is reached.
  • Rotary Drum Movement: The rotary drum installed in the chamber turns 180° around the horizontal axis, thus, making all the faces of the components cleaned by the jets evenly.
  • Hot Air Blow Drying: Following washing, the high-pressure blower focusing hot air at temperature of up 100 thermo centigrade is in a position to speedily and efficiently dry off the parts. Air knives are installed at the top and bottom to blow the water away in 80-90 % cases, and thereby save energy.
  • Advanced Filtration System: A multi stage filtration package consists of square bag filters with 100 microns, inline housing filters with 10 micron and paper band filters of 10 micron for achieving a clean washing environment.
  • Energy Efficient: The air knife drying system also dispenses with the utilization of compressed air and produces an energy advantage of about 70-80% as compared to other forms of drying systems.

Single Chamber Multiprocess Cleaning Machine Technical Specifications:

Component Dimensions
  • Fixture dimensions: Customised
  • Suitable for casting parts.
Process Flow
  • Loading: Components are manually or automatically loaded onto the fixture.
  • Spray Hot Water Wash: Hot water is sprayed through fixed nozzles at 10-12 bar pressure, removing contaminants effectively.
  • Hot Air Blow Drying: Air knives blow hot air through a high-pressure blower to remove moisture and dry the components.
  • Unloading: Cleaned and dried parts are unloaded manually.
Cycle Time 4 Min or settable per cycle

Additional Features :

  • Air Knife System: It also offers good drying with concepts inherent with the heat of compression, in addition to high pressure in the drying process and constant pressure.
  • Safety Features: The machine also has safety interlocks and emergency stop systems so that the machine doesn’t operate if the chamber door is open or if the conditions are abnormal.
  • PLC Control: The entire process is run by Mitsubishi GOC PLC for automation of the cleaning and drying cycles, though the operator can take control if needed.
  • Mist Filter: Sitting on the top of the chamber, this filter eliminates fumes produced during washing hence making the working environment clean.
  • Applications:
  • Automotive Industry: Most suitable for cleaning casting parts as engine blocks, gears and transmission housings among others.
  • Aerospace Components: Appropriate for engineering disciplines involved in the processing of small components in the aerospace industry especially those with intricate shapes.
  • General Manufacturing: Cleaning of several parts of production lines that demand high levels of cleanliness in their surroundings.

Why Choose Nexon’s Single Chamber Multiprocess Cleaning Machine?

  • High Productivity: Able to handle up to 10 components in a cycle, with cycle time at approximately 4 minutes.
  • Energy Efficiency: The new air knife drying system has been designed in such a way that is cost effective since no compressed air is used.
  • Durable Construction: It is made in construction with SS304 stainless steel which makes wetted parts offering excellent endurance for the harshest conditions as normally observed in industries.
  • Compact Design: This model is apt for production facilities with area constraints because of its single chamber design and integrated multiple cleaning steps.